Beginning a fitness routine by using water exercise is a
good way to start because water is buoyant and provides a supportive
environment for the joints to work out.
Would You Benefit from Water Exercise?
Although water aerobics is certainly beneficial for mature people, water exercises benefit a sizeable population. The following list gives an idea of who benefits from water exercises:
• People wanting to maintain low-impact cardiovascular fitness
• People with joint issues such as arthritis
• People with back pain
• Overweight people
• People wanting to maintain fitness following injury and
during recuperation
Water exercise basics
The basics of water exercise for fitness includes a number of fitness routines done in water that is shoulder deep. The types of exercises done include calisthenics, aerobics and other movements than can only be performed while partially submerged in the water. The following are some of the tools used to bring variety to water exercises:
• Kick-boards – build leg strength while swimming
• Water noodles – for strengthening
• Fins and water shoes – to increase leg strength
Benefits of water exercise
Water exercise for fitness provides both an effective resistance workout and a cardiovascular burn. Resistance workouts are a good way to build stability and strength in the muscles and helps with balance, maintaining mobility and increasing range of motion. These abilities many seniors lose if they do not perform some form of regular fitness routine.
Water exercise helps prevent falls
When adults experience a combination of osteoporosis (thinning bones) and a diminished balanced ability, they fall very easily and this often leads to serious injuries. Water exercise offers a supportive environment to develop strength and balance to decrease both fall and injury risk.
Water exercise, joint protection and arthritis
Water exercise is especially beneficial to people suffering with arthritis. Traditional exercise, such as aerobics and running, places severe pressure on the joints, the back, and the knees every time the feet meet with the ground. In water exercise, the joints are protected in two different ways.
The water’s buoyancy supports the weight of the body and eliminates extra weight on the joints. Also, the resistance of the water slows the movement of the joints and stops repetitive stress injuries and hyper-extension of the limbs. The supportive buoyancy of the water allows adults who would normally experience pain from arthritis to decrease pain and swelling.
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